About us
Founded in 1979
The Quebec Ski Area Association (ASSQ) is a non profit organization founded in 1979 by Quebec ski area owners to promote skiing and defend the interests of their industry vis-à-vis the government. ASSQ is primarily financed by sales of the Ski Passe-Partout and the Provincial Pass and by member dues. The association represents over 70 ski areas.
Our mission
Represent and defend the interests of ski area members, promote downhill skiing, improve the quality of our products and the performance of ski areas.
Our objectives
ASSQ is an umbrella group that represents Quebec ski areas. To this end, the organization seeks to:
- Bring ski area owners together under the auspices of a single nonprofit association
- Promote ski area interests and adopt any measures deemed suitable for their operations
- Solicit, promote, and obtain any legislative, municipal, or other authorizations and any laws, decrees, ordinances, statutes, franchises, or concessions that may benefit or be useful to the association
- Oppose any proposal or petition that may directly or indirectly harm the association
- Promote understanding and cooperation among the ski areas and their providers and promote their common interests by organizing exhibitions and other activities
- Maintain a newsletter
- Appoint representatives to organizations where a relationship could benefit ski areas
- Upon request, inform and interact with members and discuss any questions of common concern through technical or other support
- Provide members with services of all kinds that dovetail with the association’s goals
- Receive and solicit donations, bequests, and other similar contributions in cash or property; manage such donations, bequests, and contributions; organize fundraising campaigns; purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire and operate moveable and immoveable property needed for these purposes

Our values
- Our association’s actions are focused on sharing information, cooperating, showing solidarity, and working together
- We are committed to transparency, fairness, and respect in all of our business relationships
- Our actions are driven by our passion and enthusiasm—just like our industry!
- Our desire to promote healthy living habits pushes us to offer the best programs and services
- Our decisions reflect our desire to innovate and excel while adhering to best management practices