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Beginner packages in a ski area

Beginner packages near you

Learn to ski/snowboard TELUS

Learn to ski/snowboard TELUS

Station touristique Stoneham

Never tried skiing or snowboarding? We have the ideal package for you!

Learn to ski/snowboard TELUS

Learn to ski/snowboard TELUS


Learn to ski or snowboard with our certified instructors!

journée d

journée d'initiation ski et planche à neige

Ski Saint-Raymond

Initiation day Sunday, January 6, 2019 Cost : 15$ 1h group course Equipment included Customer : 6 years and over

All beginner packages

Learn to ski/snowboard TELUS

Station touristique Stoneham

Never tried skiing or snowboarding? We have the ideal package for you!

Never tried skiing or snowboarding? We have the ideal package for you!

Learn to ski/snowboard TELUS


Learn to ski or snowboard with our certified instructors!

Learn to ski or snowboard with our certified instructors!

journée d'initiation ski et planche à neige

Ski Saint-Raymond

Initiation day Sunday, January 6, 2019 Cost : 15$ 1h group course Equipment included Customer : 6 years and over

Initiation day Sunday, January 6, 2019 Cost : 15$ 1h group course Equipment included Customer : 6 years and over

Forfait complet

Mont Apic

The complete package is perfect to introduce you to sliding sports! Whether skiing or snowboarding, this package includes the lift ticket and rental for half a day and one hour of private lessons with a certified instructor! Contact us to book!

The complete package is perfect to introduce you to sliding sports! Whether skiing or snowboarding, this package includes the lift ticket and rental for half a day and one hour of private lessons with a certified instructor! Contact us to book!

Introduction Packages


Ce forfait inclus: - Cours de 1 h 30 ou 1 h de cours - Billet de ski de 4 h* - La Location d'équipement de 4 h** *Incluant la durée du cours **Casque inclus

Ce forfait inclus: - Cours de 1 h 30 ou 1 h de cours - Billet de ski de 4 h* - La Location d'équipement de 4 h** *Incluant la durée du cours **Casque inclus